31 But Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright as of this day.”
32 And Esau said, “Look, I am about to die; so what is this birthright to me?”

Genesis 25:31-32

1 When you sit down to eat with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you;
2 And put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite.

Proverbs 23:1-2

Esau was not a tomorrow thinker! In wanting to get the food from his brother to fulfill his appetite, he acted like his life depended on it. He despised the value of his birthright, his “tomorrow,” and he said he would die if he did not eat at that moment. He was driven by his appetite, and that beclouded his judgment. He sacrificed his “tomorrow” on the altar of his appetite “today.”

Some Christians eat like there is no tomorrow. Some eat five times a day (excluding snacks!) and they give God the glory for feeding them so much! Examples abound of how God provided for His people supernaturally. He provided for them morning and evening: twice a day (Exodus 16:8; 1 Kings 17:6). Without making a doctrine, even health experts will tell you that breakfast, lunch, a light dinner and a few healthy nibbles in between, are ideal.

The Bible says that when you sit down to eat with a ruler, in other words, a decision maker, you should put a knife to your throat if you are given to an uncontrollable appetite. Such an appetite will blind you to opportunities before you. This truth is applicable not just to food but to every area of life. Take the Word of God, let it rule your life, and you will have control over your eating habits, your sexual appetite, your craving for fashion and every appetite that seeks to control you. We need to learn to control our appetites if we will control our tomorrow.

I live with tomorrow in view. In Jesus’ Name no appetite has the power to control me. I have control over my appetites and therefore I control my tomorrow and I can see the opportunities God has set before me.

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