24 Whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it.

Acts 2:24

Some people put in their best but they don’t always achieve what they want to achieve; but God is not like that. When God put in His best, He achieved the desired result. This desired result was that the grave could not hold Christ captive. The result was that He passed the exam which He set for Himself before the foundation of the earth. God knew what was at stake and He backed it up with all of His power.

There is no work that you would require God to do on your behalf, today, tomorrow, and in the years to come that will require anything more from Him, because He did His mightiest and His greatest when Jesus was raised from the dead. There is nothing that will look so big and so humongous that you will ask God to do for you that will cause Him to expend more energy than 100% power.

The resurrection of Jesus was not like the resurrection of Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, Dorcas or any other person who died and was brought back to life. God did not expend 100% power to raise them up. They all died again at some point in their lives, while Jesus rose to die no more. Also, the sickness that killed Jairus’ daughter was probably the only sickness she was suffering from. On the contrary, when the Man Jesus, went to the grave, every single possible “matter” was put on Him: cancer, kidney problem, eye problem, nose problem, stroke, emotional heartbreak, anger, corruption and so much more. As Jesus died on the cross, He was so ugly to behold that God had to look away. Jesus shouted in pain at His separation from the Father for the very first time. He said, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Matthew 27:46b). Bear in mind that none of those “matters” belonged to the sinless and guiltless Jesus. He had no sickness or any other “matter.” They were all our issues that had been deposited on Him, “the Lamb of God.”

Everything is encapsulated in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you get the revelation of the resurrection, you would have it made in your Christian walk.


Everything is encapsulated in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you get the revelation of the resurrection, you would have it made in your Christian walk.

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