The Message Healed Me of Inferiority Complex

From the series “Inferiority Complex: Curable or Incurable,” I found out that the cause of my inferiority complex was my past life as an unbeliever. I wondered that if people knew the kind of life I lived as an unbeliever, would they still interact with me? It had been an endless battle for me. I felt there was no hope. I had made mistakes but I did not accept that I had been forgiven of my sins when I gave my life to Christ.

I have now known the truth that Jesus shed His blood for me thousands of years ago, so that I could stop living in sin and dwelling in the consciousness of my past. Another area the message touched me was in the area of wrong value system. My life was a case of misplaced values. The message has healed me of that inferiority disease and I am made whole.

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