Teen Camp
In 2008, The Carpenter’s Church, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, in obedience to a vision given by the Spirit of God, began a yearly Teen Camp – a camp where teenagers may receive rest and refreshing in a spiritually charged environment of God’s Word and Spirit, as well as have a lot of great godly fun in line with its catchphrase: cool stuff on the right track. Activities carried out in Camp include but are not restricted to: Holy Ghost Baptism, morning devotion (including worship and brief exhortations), prayers communion and movies; sports (indoor and outdoor), creative fun fair, career talks, and talents’ show.
Since its inception, this Camp has drawn its attendance from teenagers in The Carpenter’s Church Teen Church, besides teenagers from other churches/denominations not only within the city of Port Harcourt, but from all over the country. When the Camp started in 2008, it attracted about 104 teens. As at the last count in 2019, the attendance had grown to up to 348.
The teens are empowered and don’t leave the Camp the way they came. Many teens – some who are now adults remember the Camp as a turning point in their lives and the impact the Camp had on them continues to remain with them for a long time.