TC Squared

TC Squared

The slogan of The Carpenter’s Teen Church also known as TC Squared is “cool stuff on the right track.” This captures the essence of the Teen Church. The TC Squared have their own site at

TC Squared was founded in 2004. In the Teen Church, teens are taught the Word of God in a way and manner that is user friendly to them in this unique age period of their lives. Regular Sunday services features not only the Word, but also discussions on a variety of teen-related topics. Occasional ministrations in rap, dance, and drama skits also feature regularly in services. Teens are also taught to get involved in Teen Church in one or more of the several workgroups: choir, dance, drama, cleaning and ushering, creativity, rap, and public address.

Teen Camp

In addition, The Teen Church also hosts several events including the annual Teen Camp. All these are geared towards providing godly and spiritual options for our teens and for them to find “cool stuff on the right track.”

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