Sunday Service – [26/9/2013]

This is a season of grace in this ministry. This is a season of extreme grace!
It is a season of extreme favor.
It is a season of extreme manifestations of the goodness of God.
It is a season where processes are being by-passed for you.
It is a season where laws are being broken for you.
Nay, not just laws being broken, some laws are being created just for you.
Just like the daughters of Zelophehad had laws created for them, laws will be created for you.
Policies will be made just for you, because of extreme grace and extreme favor.

People will see the things happening to you, and they will say, ‘Favor is not fair.’
You would say, ‘Yes you are right, it is not fair.’
Learn that you can attract the grace of God.
Don’t just sit there and say, ‘Favor is undeserved, so let it just happen to me.” No!
There are things you can do to attract undeserved favor.
So, do those things and attract it and…
“There is no limit, there is no limit.”
That is what I hear in my spirit,
“There is no limit child… there is no limit.”

Some of you will drink and drink, and drink and you will say, ‘Ah! Is it only me?’
And God would say, “I’m only just starting with you. There is no limit! That is why it is not fair. There is enough for everybody,”
Don’t say, ‘Oh! I’m over-blessed, let me leave some for someone else.’ No!
“Let that person work out the grace of God in their life.
You work out your own because child there is no limit.”
God says to tell you that some of the blessings you are going to experience will come back-to-back.
Back-to-back blessings… back-to-back blessings.

While you are thanking God for the new car, your house will be finished.
While you are thanking God for the first promotion, the next one will come.
Back-to-back! Because there is no limit.
It is true…back-to-back.
People will pursue you to bless you,
People will look for you…
You would get knocks on your door…
God said to tell you that, this has been like a dormant sitting volcano for many of you. It is time for it to erupt, and it is erupting for good.
The goodness and the favor of God back-to-back, is your portion.
Lift your hands and glorify Him!

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