Lift your hands to the Father that the eyes of our understanding might be enlightened to see who He is. That the eyes of our understanding may be enlightened to comprehend who He is for I hear the Spirit of God say, “This is the season of more, this is the season of more, this is the season of more, much more and more than enough. This is no longer the season of enough, it is the season of more, that is the season you stepped into.
“In the season of more, limits are broken. In the season of more, boundaries are exceeded. In the season of more, I’ll make you a masterpiece, I’ll make you a spectacle of My generosity. This is the season of more, so get ready for more, much more than you’ve dreamt of, much more than you’ve imagined, much more than you even need, overflowing on every side, overflowing.
“I see boundaries being broken, I see limits being overcome, for this is the season of more, more, more, more. More is here, more is now, more is the season we have stepped into”, says the Spirit of God.
“There is no container you will bring to Me that will hold this more”, says God, “for whatever you bring I will overflow it. So, stretch your faith, bring them, bring the containers but I guarantee you, whatever you bring I will exceed it, I will overcome it, I will overwhelm it, I will overflow it, for that is the season of more.
“It’s a season that the natural mind cannot comprehend, it’s a season that the supernatural mind will grasp and receive but the natural mind will not comprehend. So, bring your containers, bring them, I will overflow them”, says the Spirit of God, “for this is the season of more”.
“More of My love than you’ve ever experienced. More of My mercy than you’ve ever experienced. More of My grace in abundance than you’ve ever imagined. More of My provision, more, more of my restoration, more, more, much more is the season I have brought you into”, says the Spirit of God.
We’re ready, we’re ready for more, we’re ready for more. El-Shaddai, we’re ready for more. Pantakrato, we’re ready for more. Generous God, we are ready for more. Glory be to God.
Do you understand what it means for the generous God to tell you that this is your season now of more?
A deluge is coming! Torrents are coming! A deluge is coming! Torrents are coming! Tsunamis are here of more and more. I can take it, Lord. More! More! Somebody shout more!
“Get ready to be drenched in more. Get ready to be soaked in more. Get ready for the overflow, for it is real”, says the Spirit of God.
It is real, it is real. A deluge is here, torrents are here, tsunamis are here of more and much more, and we’re ready, we’re ready, we’re ready, we’re ready. Thank You Jesus, thank You Jesus. We’re ready, we’re ready. Hallelujah. Glory be to God.