Rain Of Wealth Prophecy [Sunday-24/01/2021] – Pastor Nkechi Ene

God said, “There is a rain of wealth”, there is a rain of wealth that He is releasing upon this congregation. There is a very intense rain of wealth and abundance this season that He is releasing upon this congregation. It is a rain that will identify you, it is a rain that will separate you. It is a rain that will make you stand out from the rest. He called this place, this congregation, and I say this with all humility. I don’t say there are no other congregations but I speak the Word of the Lord, I speak what the Spirit of the Lord said to say, so it’s not about me or anybody else but He called this place “a concentration of wealth”.

He says, “These are a people that I am releasing this rain on, that they will be so wealthy, that this will be known as a hub and a concentration of wealth. This will be a vault of My abundance, a vault of the evidence of the Blessing that I have placed here”. He says, “I am releasing that rain in gushes, in torrents; they are coming in torrents of favour. They are coming in doors that are being opened left and right – doors that have been closed. They are coming in shiftings, people are moving, being displaced for you to step into those places. For that rain of wealth, it is a strong rain, it is an intense rain but it is not a rain that will harm you, it is a rain that will drench you with My goodness. It will separate you. So, from this concentrated place, the people here will reach the ends of the earth. For I saw the lights come out from this place but it was a place that was a hub of concentration”. I am so certain of what the Spirit of God said. There is a rain of abundance, there is a rain of wealth. Things are going to begin to happen to you, things are going to begin to happen that will defy; just like the man of God said, time and place and space. They will happen to you, things that ought not to happen in a pandemic; things that ought not to happen in a recession; things that ought not to happen based on your mistakes; things that ought not to happen based on your qualification; things that ought not to happen based on your age. Things that ought not to happen will happen. “I am depositing wealth; I am depositing abundance for the proverb has changed. Your name was poor, it has changed. For even salaries will not hold this down, this is coming from My throne; this is not because of anything you have done. It is because this is the time, this is the season. This is what I have raised you up for”.

There is a grace for wealth that is upon this ministry but it was not yet time for it to be released in its fullness, we had to prepare for it. “The foundation had to be laid for thirty years but now that grace that was upon My servant, that grace that changed the story of My servant, that grace is upon this ministry and this place is a concen… Ideas will begin to come to you, ideas that will not make sense, ideas that will shock you, that can even come from you. Open your heart and listen to them and Run with them. Run with them because now is the time to run with them, don’t postpone them, don’t procrastinate them. Now is the time! These ideas are the rain, for the clouds have being gathered for thirty years and now they are releasing that rain. The season is now but it didn’t start now”. Lift your hands and worship Him.

Oh yes, Jesus, indeed we are seeing your signature over our lives. Oh, I see Jesus sign His signature over your company documents. When you go looking for a contract, you go presenting your company documents with your own signatures, go now with the Lord’s signature on them: increasing increase, yes! Greater greatness, yes! Abounding abundance, extending of borders that is what is happening to you even right now, for the rain of wealth is drenching and is pouring.

They have said it about us: “Oh, that church, TCC, they are rich people”. That proverb is true. It is true. “It’s like only millionaires go to that church”. Yes, we don’t dispute it, it is true. We are such people and we know what to do with the wealth. For the Lord said, “It is a concentration of people in one place that will reach the ends of the earth from that place”. So yes, beat your chest, yes, that is who I am. The rain of wealth identifies me, the rain of wealth separates me. The rain of wealth defines me. It is not my fault, na my Papa do am.

Give Him praise, give Him Praise if you believe it. Your story has changed, the proverb has changed. If you believe it give Him praise. Don’t look down on yourself, stop looking down on yourself. Will you stop looking down on yourself? Will you stop looking back at your mistakes? It’s time to look forward. Lift up your hands and say drench me with that rain Jesus, soak me with that rain Jesus. I receive the rain of wealth; I receive courage to run with my ideas; I walk into those doors of opportunities; I step into those places You’ve created for me. I receive the rain, Jesus. I receive it! Shout it! Take away every umbrella, throw away every raincoat. Shout it, receive it. Glory be to God. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah. Thank You, Father.v

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