Praise Be To God For Supernatural Healing

I want to testify of God’s supernatural healing for my baby.

On a Saturday last year, I came back home from Ekklesia School of Local Church to find out that my baby, Nkechinyere, had a fever. So, I administered Paracetamol syrup to calm the fever. I woke up in the middle of the night to find out that her body temperature was very high, so I had to administer another dose of Paracetamol.  I also soaked a towel with cold water to clean her body all through the night, to bring down her body temperature.  Early in themorning the next day being Sunday, I called my supervisor at the WordShop to inform him of my baby’s health condition. I also informed him that my husband and I would be taking her to the hospital to see a doctor since it was not up to two weeks that she was treated for malaria, yet her temperature had remained high even after administering the Paracetamol syrup and cold-water massages.

When we were about to leave the house for the hospital, my husband changed his mind and said to our baby, “Nkechinyere, you are healed. Let’s go to church, your big Mama will call your case today!” So, we came to church. When Pastor Nkechi came up to preach, she started calling cases and I was very attentive and expectant even when she called a case relating to blood level. This was because my baby’s lab result before we treated her of malaria, showed that her blood level was below normal.  I said to myself, “This is not her case right now, I want her exact case to be called”. Just as I expected, Pastor called out her case and said, “There is a child here with a stubborn fever”, and I quickly raised her to receive her healing. Pastor asked that the child should be brought to her and she rebuked the stubborn fever, and that was it. Before evening that day, her temperature had become normal. We were so excited about the supernatural healing and gave God all the praise!!!

Thank you, Pastor, for your sensitivity. We love you! 

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