When my house rent expired in September 2015, I told my landlord that I was not going to renew the rent because I will be moving to a bigger and better apartment. He advised me to take my time to look for a good apartment, and said I should make sure my new landlord is a good person. Then he added that he would only collect a month’s rent, no matter how long it would take me to get another apartment.
So, I started the search for a new place knowing that the money I had was not enough. I held on to Isaiah 50:7, “For the Lord God will help me; therefore I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.” My landlord asked me when I was leaving and I gave him a date believing that I would get the money and the apartment before the set date. Some days before the set date, after seeing and checking out some apartments, I was tired and was getting frustrated.
While on my way home one particular day, and tired from looking at all kinds of apartments, an agent walked up to me and said he heard that I was looking for an apartment; I answered yes. He took me to an apartment in which there was a tenant ready to move out, if I could pay him the rent of the months left before his expiration date. Since the apartment was exactly what I wanted, I met with the caretaker and paid off the tenant’s remaining months after which he moved out two days later, and I moved in with extra cash.
When it was time to pay the actual rent, I knew it was going to be another faith adventure. I began to meditate on the Word of God in Isaiah 41:10-15. I started confessing those words. On the day the rent was due, I asked the landlord to give me until Friday of that week to pay even though the money wasn’t available physically.
On the said Friday, all I had was twenty thousand Naira. At about 9:30 a.m. that morning, my brother called to find out if I had paid. After telling him the amount I had at hand, he called me by 11:50 a.m. to say that he sent some money to my account. It was forty percent of what I needed. I was grateful and thanked him. By 1:00 p.m. the same day, my supervisor walked into my office and handed me a brown envelope. He said it was a condolence gift on the loss of my mother earlier that year, from the staff of the department. The envelope contained about forty-five percent of my rent. At about 4:30 p.m. same day, my supervisor asked me to go to the manager’s office. When I got there, she handed me some more money and I paid my rent that evening. Glory be to God!