Membership In TCC

Membership of The Carpenter’s Church is open to any person who is born again – who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour

Believers’ Classes

Intending members of The Carpenter’s Church need to attend a set of fifteen (15) foundational classes (formerly 7 classes) known as Believers’ Classes. These classes are designed to hold simultaneously for one hour after the second service every Sunday. Each new Believers’ Class builds upon the topic from the preceding Class. Believers’ Classes students attend each class sequentially starting from Lesson One (1), then Lesson Two (2) until the final Lesson Fifteen (15). These Classes are a necessary and compulsory requirement for new converts as well as aspiring members who are already believers At the end of the Lesson 15, a membership form is offered to intending members. They have the option of either filling and submitting the form immediately, holding onto the form until when ready, or declining the form by returning it. Once the form has been filled and submitted, the person becomes a member of The Carpenter’s Church.New members who have completed the Believers’ Classes and filled and submitted the membership form will thereafter be welcomed formally into the church family by the Presiding Pastor on a scheduled Sunday.

The Carpenter’s Church Membership Handbook

The guidelines (in the Handbook) form the basis for the three Membership Classes for intending TCC members and for all members of the local assembly. Everyone who decides to become a member of the Church is encouraged to read the Membership Handbook. Copies of the Membership Handbook are available for members to read in the Church Office library or can be read online here.

What is the value of membership?

Well as a member of a true Bible believing Church…

1. You have a place to be taught the Word of God and learn how to apply the Word to your every day life. A life both grounded and growing in the undiluted Word is a life of VICTORY!

2. You have access to counsel and guidance from an under-shepherd and those whom he or she has placed in authority.

3. You have a place to serve God with the talents and gifts that He has put within you.

4. You have a place to pay your tithes to as taught in the Scriptures.

5. You have a place to publicly identify with and belong to a people who have given the Word of God first place in their lives. You join a spiritual family.

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