Somebody needs to know that there is always a way out. That is the story of redemption that we have been told. When it looks like your life is locked into a Catch 22, you turn left, no way out; you turn right, you don’t know which direction to go. Don’t give up, there is always a way out. There is always a miracle; there is always something. There is always a solution in God. There is always a way out.
God, Himself, had a way out. Then, what are you facing? God, Himself, before the foundation of the world, had a way out; then, what is it that you are facing? The way out is in this very redemption. The way out is in this very liberation.
There is something I smell in the air. I smell something in the air. It is the smell of freedom. That is what I smell; it is a very strong smell. It’s a beautiful scent. It is moving across the auditorium. I see it going from one row to the next. Maybe, it is the sound I hear. It’s the sound of freedom. It is a sound of liberation the man of God spoke about. It is so tangible. It is the chains being broken off that Tola sang about. I smell freedom in the air. For revelation has come and therefore, liberation has indeed come. There is freedom in the air. There is freedom to believe in yourself again. There is freedom to believe that that condition in your body does not identify you; Jesus is your story. There is freedom to forgive. There is freedom to delve into the unknown. There is freedom to take God at His Word. Just because God said it, I believe it and I am going to stake everything I have got on it. Even if I look like a dummy, I would be the second edge of that two-edged sword, machaira. One edge is what God said; I will say what God has said.
There is freedom in the air. There is freedom in the air! There is the scent of freedom! This is not a bad smell, it is a wonderful aroma and it permeates the entire place, it is like the glory of God. The smell of freedom and liberation that only the Word of God can bring. For when you say, “I am redeemed”, you indeed say, “I am free indeed”. That is what you mean when you say, “I am redeemed”; I am free indeed.
Anybody who can smell that smell of freedom, can I hear you shout, “I am free indeed”? Anybody who is liberated, can I hear you scream, can I hear you rise to your feet and jump and say, “I am free indeed”? You are not those prisoners who are so afraid that when they come to set them free and they throw open their cell doors, they stay shaking and they don’t know they are free. We know we are free, and we know we have been bought back. So, can I see those who smell the aroma of freedom shout, “I am free indeed”! There is always a way out for me. I am free indeed. Can you turn around and give a jump up to Jesus? Give Him a shout of praise. Can I see some free people in the house? Can I see liberated people in the house? Even as you shout, “I am free indeed”, there is change happening in your bodies. Things are happening in the spirit realm because the chains are being broken off. We know that we know that we are redeemed.
Go home with that smell. Take that perfume home with you. The smell of freedom, how do I spray it in my house? Declare it! Open your door and shout, “This is the abode of the redeemed”. Tell your house, in case it didn’t know, “Someone who is free indeed has come home”. Enter that bedroom whether the lights are on or not and declare that you are free. There is freedom from fear; all kinds of freedom have taken place and still take place. All those secret fears, those lies that Satan tells you. You have seen how useless he is; complete nobody. If you were not sure before, you know now. Amen.