I Have Tasted God’s Goodness

Sometime in December 2004 I entered the labour market. That same month I applied to an advert I saw in one of the dailies, though it was higher than that which I was doing in my previous company. I forgot about it till one day I checked my mail box and saw that I had been invited for an interview in Abuja. On a Sunday, God gave me a word through Pastor Nkechi when she preached on “this is your set time.” I caught that word and held unto it.

The day of the interview, I trusted God for His grace and favor. Before the interview a Director informed us that there is a higher slot than that for which we had applied for. That slot will be filled by the person who was the best. I went through all the stages of the interview. God helped as I did my best and left the rest to Him. After the results were compiled, we were given the results individually and I passed. After the final interview I was told that I would be contacted within two weeks for which of the positions that I had been taken. About two hours after the interview I was called by the Human Resource Manager and told that all members of the interview Panel want me for the job, that is the higher slot. I was then called to have a hat with the Line Manager in London. After that I was congratulated. I was told to expect my letter within two weeks. I have gotten the letter and this job is good. I'll be exposed to training both local and International, the salary is about 60% higher than my previous job with an official car and lots of benefits like medicals for my family and I.

I have tasted it. One thing that I decided to do was to double my offering from the beginning of this year though I did not have a job at the beginning of the year. God has proved Himself faithful.

The Word from the Pulpit is true and it is real. Praise the Lord!

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