A few months after my wedding, I noticed a lump in my breast. It was actually the pain I was feeling in that area that made me start checking. I had learned that as a woman I should self-examine my breasts from time to time, but I seldom did it. As a result of the pain, I was feeling in my breast, I decided to examine myself and I noticed a lump that was really small but quite painful. Of course, I was quite concerned and several thought bombs assailed my mind.
Without wasting time I cursed the lump, broke bread regularly and confessed my healing. I decided to wait for the Healing Service like a child that would say to his bully, “Wait, my father is coming.” Alas, my healing did not happen at a Healing Service but at a regular service. That was when Pastor Nkechi called my case. During the first service, she said that there was someone with a lump in her breast and the person should raise her hand. I was reluctant at first because after I cursed the lump, I noticed that the pain reduced but I still felt the lump. So I thought, “Why would I raise my hand for such a small case?” When nobody else raised their hands I decided to raise mine. Pastor prayed and I claimed my healing.
In the second service, which I also attended, being in the choir, Pastor called the same case but specifically said, “It’s not the same person that was in the first service.” I knew then that I was the person God had in mind when He gave Pastor that word of knowledge. To the glory of God, since that service, I have not felt that lump again.
I thank God for pastors who teach the Word on healing. It takes courage and a great deal of faith to do that. I’m glad I have pastors who are not afraid to preach the Word of God in all its ramifications. Halleluiah!