I Am Set Free and Restored On Every Side

Many years ago I discovered that my mum and her elder sister were suffering from ulcer. They don’t eat pepper and certain foods; they eat only what the doctors tell them to eat. For my mum, the pain was unbearable, many times she would pass out, but God would always revive her. In the process of time, I also found out that I was reacting to certain foods. Pepper could not be found anywhere near my pot. Each time I ate pepper I would have heartburns. Then, I would not be able to use the toilet because of the hurt; I would gasp for air and so on. As a result, I started choosing food and avoided certain foods without any doctor’s advice. I lived in deep fear.

I even stopped fasting because I attributed my mum’s condition to her fasting lifestyle. This continued till I left Port Harcourt for Osun State on my one-year NYSC. While there, I started noticing symptoms of pile. It was not easy for me because the food there was usually pepper-packed. While I was thinking of how to cope, Pastor Charles sent a huge amount of money to me. With that, I was able to buy my food outside. I ate outside the camp kitchen, until I returned to Port Harcourt.

On May 25th 2009 Broken Wall Healing School, I received my restoration. Pastor Charles on that day spoke on a message titled, “This Is Your Restoration.’’ He said “Whatever God said do, do quickly.’’ At that point I was ready to eat anything and wait for the outcome. Pastor also said, “Your restoration will not come unless you speak about it.” He also said, “The evidence of the good news will only come to you by your actions, you must take positive actions to overcome negative thoughts and talks.” That day, I made up my mind to do things I was not used to doing due to deep fear. That Broken Wall Healing School service was a turning point in my life.

Today, the only reason I do not eat pepper like I eat banana etc, is because I do not know its nutritional value. I now know it does not have any power to cause me pains anymore. I am set free and I am restored on every side. Thank you Pastor Charles.

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