His Name Saved Me

On June 29 2009, I entered a public bus from Mile 1 Park in Port Harcourt to Aba, Abia State. When we got to about the first or second town from Oyigbo, one of the tyres of the bus burst and the brakes of the bus failed and it ran into a bush where it tumbled many times. Throughout all of that, I was shouting, Jesus! (That day I knew God was with me like never before.)

When the bus finally stopped, I opened one of the windows of the bus, which was upturned and came out because the side of the car where I was, was not too damaged. Some other passengers could not come out, so, some people had to turn the bus in order to bring them out. I had an injury on the right hand side of my head but God miraculously healed me without a trace. Through it all I had peace in me because the name of Jesus is greater than any other name. That Name saved me! Praise God!

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