I want to thank God for His faithfulness in my life. On the 31st of December 2009 Pastor Nkechi prophesied many things into our lives. Limitless lives, days of declarations saying that we have dominion over all things on earth as long as it’s the will of God for our lives, triumphant possessions, days of heaven upon the earth and so on and so forth. We got to the point of grabbing anything into our lives. Immediately, I grabbed our bouncing baby boy and other things. What was so profound of all the things I grabbed was our baby boy. It was so clear to me that I told my husband immediately that we just received our baby boy and he said, “Amen,” as we hugged.
Little did we know that the manifestation was going to be almost immediate! From medical calculations, our baby boy was conceived first week of January 2010 even though we did not know till I was about six weeks gone. Then I broke the good news to Pastor Nkechi. Two weeks later I registered for antenatal and the doctor sent me on the routine check up and a scan. I did all the tests but for some reason, I did not see the result of the scan.
I had to also register in another hospital near our house sometime in March and the doctor sent me on the same routine check as well as a scan. When the result was out, the doctor said to me, “You have fibroid.” I asked him how my baby was doing. He said, “The baby is doing fine. It’s no big deal; lots of women give birth normally with fibroid.” Immediately, I rejected having fibroid and I left.
When my husband came to pick me up, I told him the report of the enemy and together, we renounced it and called Pastor Nkechi and told her everything and she prayed with us on phone and she asked me to come to see her the next day. I went and after praying with me, she asked me about the result of the scan from the first hospital and it then occurred to me that I had not even seen it. So she asked me to go and get that result, as they never said anything about me having fibroid even though they knew as I later found out.
In April, I went for antenatal in the first hospital because I did not have the confidence to continue with the second hospital because of the way the doctor said it was normal to give birth with fibroid. When I got there, I asked for the result of the scan I did earlier and the lady willingly gave me. I took it back to Pastor Nkechi and everything seemed okay, apart from a particular term we did not quite understand. She asked me to take it back and ask them what it meant. When I went back, the doctor confirmed that it meant fibroid. I told her that I was born again and that by the stripes of Jesus I was healed and that when next I came back for a scan, there would be no trace of fibroid. She said, “amen,” because she was also born again.
When I went back, I found out that the other result of the tests I did were misplaced or somehow kept away from me by God for my good because the doctor said, if at the time of the tests they had found out that I had a high degree of typhoid fever, and I was treated for it, I may have lost my baby. So it was good that the slip was misplaced. God went ahead of us!
As if that was not enough, exactly when I was 16 weeks and five days into the pregnancy, I got up to prepare for church and as I went to ease myself, I found out that I was bleeding. I was startled initially. I rushed to alert my husband who was about to leave for fieldwork that morning. We held hands and started confessing the Word and afterwards I again sent Pastor Nkechi a text message, not expecting her to call because it was a bit too early, but as soon as she got the text, she called. By that time, tears were flowing down my cheeks but she encouraged me not to entertain any fear and she asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital or if I wanted to stay home and trust God. I knew that if I went back to the hospital, the story might not have been the same today. I stayed back and confessed the Word of God and my husband left for work that morning and I had to be strong for our baby and myself, knowing God who gave me the seed would not let me miscarry.
Later that afternoon, the same thing happened and when Pastor called to ask how I was doing, I told her fine but that the blood was still there. She then asked me to hold on to my healing by the Word. Even though, I was a bit tense, I knew that the blessings of God makes rich and does not add any sorrow. God who formed the baby from day one would not cause me any pain by allowing me miscarry. I knew deep down that my baby was fine and no matter the amount of blood I passed out, nothing was going to tamper with my baby. From then on I became stronger and I knew I had a testimony to tell.
One night, I saw myself crawling, unable to walk because of a pain in my lower abdomen. Again I sent a text message to Pastor Nkechi and as always, she called immediately. By this time I was really crying and she talked with me after which she prayed with us. That pain continued for more than a week and when I eventually went to the hospital, I was told the baby was doing very fine, but the test showed that I had a urinary tract infection.
Again at the twenty second week of my pregnancy, I was asked to go for my third scan only to find out that baby was bridged, and that the fibroid was still present. I was not happy at all but still held on to my confessions knowing God would come through for us because I had heard people’s testimonies in this area. Besides, my life as a whole has been a bundle of testimonies.
Pastor Nkechi told me that I should not worry at all that the baby would turn before I delivered and that the fibroid would disappear because God did not put it there. As God would have it, I came for Broken Wall Healing School in August when I was thirty two weeks pregnant. I asked God that my case should be called and as Pastor Charles was about to go back to his seat, he turned and said, we should place our hands where ever we had growths and I placed my hand on my lower abdomen and he commanded the growth to dematerialize. I was happy because I was due to go for my last scan the following Thursday. Truly, the baby did not just turn but the fibroid also dematerialized when I went back for the scan a few weeks before baby was born.
I really want to thank God for His faithfulness in my life as a whole since I came to this church up till now. Even when I entertained a little fear, He still came through for me. I want to thank my Pastors, especially Pastor Nkechi for always being there. Even when I called her at odd hours, she was always there for me. I want to thank Pastor Charles and everyone who has been there for us, thank you so much.
Today, I have all the scan results as evidence of my healing.