On the second day of Discovering Treasures 2014, Reverend Inyang Okuntinyang gave a word of knowledge that God said someone had a date looming ahead of them, which they were worried about but that He has taken care of that date. I immediately remembered a professional exam I was due to write in a few weeks time, which I had previously gone for and not passed. I praised and thanked God instantly for taking care of the exam and for the date as well.
During the weeks that followed, I kept reminding myself of that promise as I read and had discussions towards the exam. I also came across some scriptures while reading through the Bible with the reading plan at the back of The Carpenter’s Church gazette. My favourite Scripture became Psalm 48:11 from the message translation which says, “Be glad, Zion Mountain; dance, Judah’s daughters! He does what He said He’d do.” I confessed it continually, especially when thought bombs came to distract me and tell me that the word of knowledge wasn’t for me. To the glory of God the exam date came and I passed! I am so grateful to God for the teachings I have received in The Carpenter’s Church, which helped me stand on His Word and He did do what He said He would do.