5 And the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith.” 6 So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.”

Luke 17:5-6

A great minister said that why certain sicknesses and diseases kill some people is because there is a reverence and respect for such sicknesses and diseases. They think if it is a headache and they say, “Get out,” it will go away. However, if a doctor diagnoses cancer, they whisper the word “cancer” with reverence. It’s almost like they are saying, “Oh, thou almighty cancer, I’m not going to call your name too loudly in case you get angry.” Many Christians do it. No, it should not be that way.

When you are in faith every situation is servant to your faith. You take charge of the situation. You don’t hope that situations will leave you or will have mercy on you. The smallest faith is master over the biggest situation.

Faith is not just passively standing by, hoping and wishing that the big, terrifying situation will have mercy on you. Absolutely not! Whatever situation comes against you has no plan of having mercy on you. So every situation and circumstance of your life must be servant to your faith.

You may then ask: “Why do I need to increase my faith, since the smallest faith will cause the biggest situation to bow. After all, Jesus said if I have faith as a mustard seed and say to a mountain, or to a sycamore tree to move they will move. So what’s the point of increasing my faith?” You need to increase your faith (the evidence of things not seen) so that you can see overwhelming evidence and doubt can leave you, and so that you can see clearly that even though nothing may have changed in the physical realm, the situation has been taken care of in the spiritual realm. You need to increase your faith so that even though the situation may not seem to have changed in the physical, the evidence is so much that nobody can convince you that it has not already been done.

Every situation and circumstance of my life is servant to my faith. I am not at the mercy of any situation or circumstance. As I increase my faith, I see overwhelming evidence and know that even though nothing may have changed in the physical, the situation has been taken care of in the spiritual realm.

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