REJOICE! Something really good! Something really good with your name on it! With your name on it. So rejoice. Rejoice as if you are already touching it because it is real. It is real. Rejoice! Hallelujah! If you have received that thing, give the Lord a shout of praise. Rejoice as though you already have it because you have received it, and because you have received it, you will have it. Rejoice! Thank You, Father.
Keep that expectation up; keep that anticipation electrified; keep it sky-high! Do not listen to those lies and do not let it wane because something good is coming with your name, it is yours. It is yours, coming down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning. It is yours! Say, “It is mine.” Now, whatever it is, call it and say, “It is mine.” Thank You, Father. Amen. Blessed be God.