Hallelujah Week 2016 [Day 1 — 28/11/2016]

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. All praise and glory and honour to our God. That’s why we are here today, tomorrow, all the way to Friday is to praise His name. We are here to praise Him. Praise Him from the very core of your being. Praise Him our Father who is a big God. Keep your focus on Him and praise Him. Open your mouth and praise Him. Awesome God, there is no one like Him. There is none that compares to Him.

Oh, we praise You our Father! Unshakable, unmovable, ageless, changeless, almighty God. We lift our voices and we praise You, God of all grace we praise You. God of all majesty, we praise You. Almighty God, we give You the glory, we give You the praise, we thank You for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October and November. Oh, we are so expectant for December. Almighty God! We are here this week to praise You. It’s all about You Jesus. It’s all about You this week. It’s all about You going forward. God of all grace, it’s all about You. Mighty warrior, it’s all about You. Story changer, it’s all about You. Good Father, it’s all about You. Mighty warrior, it’s all about You. Jehovah, it’s all about You. Majesty, it’s all about You. Wonderful, it’s all about You. Marvellous, it’s all about You. Good God, it’s only about You. Immortality that dwells in the light, it’s all about You. We praise You all we see is You. All we consider is you, and it’s all about You. Receive it, Lord, all of our praise, and we worship You. All of our adoration belongs to You. Only to You, it’s all about You. Awesome God.

Lift your hands to Him and focus on Him, it’s all about Him. It’s not about your problems or anything else; it’s all about Him. Zoom into Him, it’s all about Him. Glory to Your name, we worship You. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, our Father, faithful God, we thank You. It’s all about You. Reliable and dependable God.

I hear in my spirit that, “These days of praise are ushering us into greater things.” I hear it over and over again, “Greater things, greater things. These days,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “are ushering you into greater things, greater things, greater things,” says God. “Greater things! What are greater things? Things that are greater than anything you have seen. Whatever you have seen that seems great, these days of praise and thanksgiving,” says God, “are ushering you into greater things. You say, ‘Well Lord, all I see is my pit.’ Even when Joseph saw the pit, there were greater things ahead for him. You say, ‘All I see is the prison; I’m bound. I don’t seem to be free.’ There are greater things. Greater things,” says God. “Greater things, things that will cause anything you have seen to pale into insignificance,” says the Spirit of God. “Greater things, greater things!”

Oh, I hear it so clearly, I see it so clearly: greater things church, greater things. These days are ushering us into greater things. “What do you see? I see greater things. As you stay in this great house,” says the Spirit of God. “As you stay in this great house where the Word, My presence, and My Spirit are, greater things you will see. As you stay planted firmly, rooted in this great house where My Word, My presence, and My Spirit are, greater things are a guarantee,” says God. “Greater things are not a matter of luck and chance for those who are planted in a great house. No! For those who are planted in a great house partaking of My Word, My presence, and My Spirit, greater things are your guarantee, church.”

“Greater things, greater things, for in the great house, you will learn of My love for you. For I love you with an everlasting love,” says God. “I love you even when you are unlovable,” says God. “In a great house, you will learn of My love for you. You will learn of the deep affection I have for you, My child. You will learn that I am mindful of you. I’m mindful of you. I’m mindful of you. You will get a revelation of My love in the great house and greater things, greater things will be a product of My love for you.”

“Doesn’t My Word say that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world? So, these greater things have nothing to do with the condition of the world. Greater things I’m talking about have nothing to do with the condition of your body. Greater things I’m talking about have nothing to do with the condition of your marriage. Greater things I’m talking about have nothing to do with the size of your salary. Greater things I speak of have nothing to do with the condition of anything around you, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.”

“These days of praise, these days of thanksgiving, usher you into greater things, and these things will cause you to forget the pain and the sorrow before. These things delete the pain and the sorrow of before. You will see greater things.”

“I give you My guarantee,” says, God. “I give you My guarantee,” says God. “I give you My guarantee,” says God, “that in a great house where My Word, My Spirit, and My presence are; where My love is revealed to you, where you understand that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world, you will see greater things than you have ever imagined or seen before,” says the Spirit of God

Lift your hands and worship Him.

“Step in, step in, step in,” says God. “Step in, step in, step in,” says God. “Step in, step in, step in. Step up, step up, step up,”says God. “Step up, step in, to greater things. Step up to greater things. Step on, to greater things. Step in, to greater things. Step in, to greater things. Step on, to greater things. Step in, step in, step in, step in, step in, and step in. Step up, step on, to. Sometimes, it may feel like you are about to walk on water but step in. I said step in, I said step in, step in, step in, step up, step up, step up, step on, to greater things.”

“When you step in, the water will become solid and you will walk on it. When you step in, the impossible will become possible and greater things you will see. When you step up, everything that was against you will be below you when you step up. Oh, but you must step in. You must step in, you must step up, and you must step on, to what I have in store for you, for they are greater things. Greater things, a guarantee that comes from a great God and a big God.”

Thank You, Father. Lift your hands we are stepping into greater things. Step in with your faith. Step in with your attitude. Step in with your mouth. Jump in. Step up. Lift your hands and praise Him. Thank Him. Say, “Lord I step in, I praise You and I step in. If I see water, I step on it. I step up. If I see mountains, I climb them, and I step in. I have your guarantee great God. I have your love great God. I’m in a great house, so I step in; and greater things I will see. For these days of praise and worship are ushering us into greater things.”


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