Hallelujah! I thought today I would just come here and we would do our thing and after that I would just say, “In Jesus name,” and we would go home. But when I climbed up here, should I tell you what I saw? Listen, please listen well and don’t miss the message. I saw great excitement and shouts of joy and everybody was shouting, “I found it.” I asked, “Lord what did they find?” The Lord asked me to look, and I looked and I saw. Do you know what I saw? A bunch of keys and each person was taking from the bunch, and after everybody had taken his own, there was still so much left. As they were shouting, “I found it,” they were running and opening doors. Listen, God opened my eyes and I saw as they were opening the doors, they were seeing different things. What were the things? Everybody was getting treasures according to what he desired. And do you know what God said? He said, the keys have been there all along. He said, “Didn’t I say I would open to you the treasures of darkness and the secret places?”
There is a key to your conception. There is a key to your millions. There is a key to your billions. There is a key to your healing and it has been there all along. Listen, God was excited. Do you know why? His people were not only taking the keys, they were opening the doors and He was excited saying, “Can’t you see them opening the treasure house?” You will take your key and you will open your treasure houses. Hallelujah. What is my treasure house? Whatever I desire. Take your key and open your treasure house. Take it, it is inexhaustible, that’s what God said. And it has been there all along.
How do you hold your key? Could you please stand up? Could you move towards your door? Could you open your treasure house? I agree with you, from now and throughout the coming year, you can go and mark it; you will be using keys to open your treasure house.
Yesterday, God told us He could see excitement and expectation, not desperation from us and this time with that expectation we are going to take our keys, open the treasure house and we will get our expectation in style. Let me tell you, finding it will be a lifestyle from now onwards because today you will find this key, tomorrow you will find that key, day after that you will find that key. The day after that, you will find that key. It will be a time of opening doors into your treasure. Lift your hands and let’s just bless Him.
Listen to me, for a lot of you, when you start shouting, “I found it,” “I found it,” others around you including Christians, members of The Carpenter’s Church, when they ask you what did you find? And you tell them, because it’s not their own, they’ll say but it’s been there all along. You’ll not just be among those who will say it’s been there all along, you will be among those who will go and take it. The key that some of you will find now and after now is the key of the prophecy that shall be prophesied upon you. By that prophecy, you will war a good warfare and prosper in it.
The key that some of you will find is “By these good and precious promises,” you will take that which belongs to you. The key that some of you will find is, “Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it come to the heart of man what God has reserved unto those who love Him but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.” Specifically, God will reveal certain things to you. I mean you, yes you. It’s been there all along but when you find it; you’ll say, “I found it” and what you will find will bring about elevation in your life. It will promote you.
The key that some of you will find is the key of humility and that will take you to your treasure house. What many of you will shout at the end of it all is: “Is this me?” Let me give you the answer ahead of time: Yes it is you! Yes it is you; but yet not you; it is the grace of God.
Do you know what I heard the Spirit of God say to me? “My grace will turn you into another man.” It will be you; yet it will not be you. The words of faith you have heard in this pulpit will not be left in this pulpit; it will be on your lips, that is what will turn you into another man. That is what will turn your situation around from bad to good. From good to better, and from better to excellent. Watch out and see! Your tongue will turn you into another man. Your tongue will turn you into giants upon the land.
God is expanding this prophecy in my heart. Let me just tell you why your tongue will turn you into another man; because it will be backed by your actions and it will result in good works. Good works, not just in terms of morality, in terms of tangible things. Those are the things that will be your blessing. Amen