God Is Indeed Faithful, He Truly Watches over Us.

On Monday the 30th of March 2015, I was about to step out of the house when the head of the home had a leading to ask everyone to gather in the living room. We confessed Psalm 91, prayed and he anointed everyone including the security guard. This was not a usual practice, as we all had our personal devotions at different times; there was never a formal gathering.

The following day Tuesday the 31st of March at about 11 a.m., I was in the living room “helping” Professor Jegga and his PA collate election results when our security guard knocked on the door. When I answered the door, he said, “Fire, fire!” My response was, “Fire, where?” And he pointed towards the direction of the fire.

There was a black thick cloud of smoke just above the roof of the house. I stepped out of the compound to identify the source of the smoke/fire and I realized that a tanker filled with a petroleum product had fallen and was already in flames not quite 250 metres from the house. My aunt had already alerted the fire service from her place of work which was close by and the Rivers State Fire Service as well which did not do as much as they should have. The product (PMS/AGO) which was in the tanker spilled into the drainage system due to how the tanker fell and there were explosions right there underneath us, but on the other side of the road. Knowing how interconnected the drains were, I began to thank God for already going ahead of us the day before.

To cut the long story short, the fire was put out after 3 hours and 33,000 litres of petroleum product fell at our right hand and it didn’t come near us. God is indeed faithful, He truly watches over us. It could easily have been a different story, but He came through for us. All the praise and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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