When Broken Wall Healing School started, I decided to go, not because there was anything wrong with me, but because I wanted to build my faith in the area of healing. A particular statement Pastor Charles made got me thinking. He said, “God who made us is in heaven, and up there He has every spare part our bodies need. If there is anything wrong with you, He brings the spare part brand new and puts it inside of you.” When I heard it, I said to myself, “Men of God, they always have a way with words.”
Some weeks later, I woke up with a pain on the lower left side of my stomach. I started confessing the Word. When I confessed, it would subside, but it would come up again with greater intensity. It went on like that for two weeks. Once, when I came for prayer meeting, I couldn’t sit on the left side of my bottom; it was terrible. I told myself that God has to do something.
A voice said I should go to the hospital, but I told myself that going to the hospital is not an option. I kept hearing the voice telling me to go to the hospital and get an x-ray, so I could be sure about what I was believing God for; but I didn’t want to spend money for an x-ray. The voice continued, but I still refused to give in. I heard another voice telling me to spell everything out to God, and I did.
That night, I woke up at about 12:30 a.m. This was strange for me because it hadn’t happened in a while. As I was drifting back to sleep, I saw two people by my bedside: a man and a young boy of about seventeen or eighteen with blond hair. The boy was smiling, while the man looked very serious. While they were talking they pointed at my tummy. The boy continued smiling and nodding his head. All of a sudden, the man put his hand on my tummy, and it was as if he entered inside me, and I was shaking violently on the bed for some minutes. After that, the man came out looking tired. While I was still wondering what was happening, the boy placed his hand on my tummy and did “some things”. When he was through, they both nodded and left. When I woke up in the morning, the pain was gone. It was then I found out that what Pastor Charles said is true.