17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17
A lot of us have a knowledge of faith in our “heads” and not in our “hearts” – where it truly matters. You may be a “textbook Christian” and because you are experiencing one victory after another, back-to-back, in every single area of your life, you may say that you don’t need to hear faith anymore. How wrong you would be!
Even if you are that perfect in your experience, faith comes by hearing, and you are supposed to keep on hearing. I have preached faith for many years and I have been preaching faith and I believe a lot of people have had their miracles through the faith I have been preaching, but I can tell you that the working knowledge of faith I have today is not the working knowledge of faith I had five years ago, when I preached a message on faith. The working knowledge of faith I will have five years from now, will not be the same working knowledge of faith I have now.
Many years ago, I sincerely desired to get beyond the point of “head” knowledge of faith. I wanted to get beyond the point where I could quote faith, say what the Scripture says, and preach a good message about faith by virtue of the grace of God upon my life. I wanted to be sure that, if the rubber hits the road in any area of my life and the spanner needs to get to the bolt, I would find out that it was not all in my head. I wanted to be sure that faith was deep and unshakeable in my heart. Preachers make this mistake. They think that the grace of God upon their lives gives them immunity from the need to build and grow their personal faith in God. Everyone needs to get beyond a “head” knowledge of faith. I read a book by E.W. Kenyon where he calls it “mental assent,” a counterfeit of faith.
What you need is a working knowledge of what is yours. You want to be able to get up every morning confident that you have the victory in every area of your life.
Father, I desire to get beyond a “head” knowledge of faith and press into the assurance that real and genuine faith is deep and unshakeable in my heart. Irrespective of whatsoever victory I may have experienced in my life, I commit to build and grow my own faith by continually hearing Your Word.