
I declare that my Father has accepted me in Christ Jesus, the Beloved. Because I am in Christ, I am highly favoured. Like Jesus, I am His beloved son, and He is well pleased with me. I have received the grace of God and so, I am favoured. In Christ, I am God’s elect: His special favoured child. The Father loves me as much as He loves Christ Jesus, my big Brother.

The Father’s favour constantly surrounds me as a shield from sunrise to sunset. The force of His favour attracts all that pertain to life and godliness to me. It repels whatever is not part of the blessing far away from me. His favour has separated me from the curse.

My favour with God translates into favour with men. I have favour with men that matter. The hearts of kings and men of influence whom God has ordained to play a part of my purpose are in His hands, and He turns their hearts just to favour me. God gives those with whom I have to deal, respect and attention for me. They are captivated by His Spirit and intoxicated by His instructions.

I am pleasing to God; my ways are pleasing to Him. Therefore, He makes even my enemies be at peace with me. There’s no limit to whom my Father can use. So, even those who may not like me are used as instruments and channels of God’s goodness in my life.

I am a son of God and I am led by the Spirit of God. My steps are ordered of the Lord and He takes delight in my ways. Therefore, I am always in the right place and at the right time. I am always where limitless possibilities take place, and I recognize them. I am always found where opportunity and preparation collide. Through the favour of God, doors open before me. His favour causes me to succeed where others have failed. God is unapologetically biased in my favour.

Therefore, I depend upon the grace and favour of God in all I do. I choose not to lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. I am always where time and chance happen to me. I rest in His favour upon me.

I declare that I enjoy abundant, strategic favour with God and find good understanding in my dealings with men. With each passing day, I experience increasing measures of favour with God and with men.

Thank You Father for the waves of Your favour are crashing all over me and they are carrying me to Your destination for me.


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