Dream Fulfilled

For six years, I was believing God to study medicine. Eventually I got admission to study Anatomy in UNIPORT of which I graduated in 2005 with a 2nd Class Lower Degree. After graduation I didn't give up on my dream of studying Medicine, though after trying to get admission to no avail I was almost frustrated.

During the “New Year” Service of 2005, Pastor Charles asked us to write down specific things we wanted God to do for us the following year. Gaining admission was topmost on my list though I did not know how it was going to happen. I bought direct entry forms despite the fact that Nigerian Universities offer admission only to graduates who have completed their NYSC.

Then during Discovering Treasures 2006, Pastor Nkechi told us that our harvest was out in the field and that if we have been sowing seeds faithfully we should go out and reap-in our harvest. I started confessing that I was going to gain admission to study medicine though I never knew how I was going to do that. After Discovering Treasures, my dad brought home a newspaper with an article calling in applications to study Medicine and other courses in Russia. I applied, sat for the exams and though my score was not very high, I was selected for the scholarship. All through the period of the exams and the result, I was speaking “I am an expression of God's favour and this is my time and chance.” That confession was triggered by Pastor Charles' message “The Waves of Favour”.

I thank God for bringing His Word to pass in my life. I left Nigeria and I am currently studying Medicine in Russia (all expenses paid) to God's glory.

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