21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “one thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”

Mark 10:21

The young rich ruler in this verse trusted in his riches and not in God. He lacked revelation knowledge. Without revelation knowledge, he couldn’t see that Jesus wanted him to have treasure in heaven. All he saw was this Jesus who wanted to bring him down from riches to rags. How wrong he was! When you trust in riches, it acts as a veil and you are unable to receive revelation from God and see His plans for you.

Further down in the story, when Peter and the rest of the disciples marvelled and were perplexed at some of the utterances that Jesus made, what response did Jesus give? The same Jesus, who does not contradict Himself, said to them, that there is no man who gives up everything for His sake and for the gospel’s that shall not receive the same things back (Mark 10:29-30). Why? When a man gives out, he makes treasure in heaven and the seed sown will be multiplied and will come back to him in abundance here on earth!

In reassuring them, Jesus told the disciples that there is no one who has left “house” for His sake and the gospel’s sake, who will not receive “houses” back as part of a hundredfold return, now in this time! Do you notice the multiplication: house and houses? Also, He promised the young rich ruler treasure in heaven but talked about a reward “now in this time.” In other words, He promised him a reward here on earth. When multiplication takes place, it will multiply those things that are indestructible and you will receive the harvest here. You can always be sure the treasure is in a secure place and whenever you need it here on earth, you’ll simply draw from your account.

I lay up treasure in heaven through my giving. My treasure is secure and whenever I need it here on earth, I’ll draw upon my account in heaven.

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