Distribution Week Day 1 – [1/7/2013]

The Word of the Lord came to me saying:
“A lot of people do things by might and by power. Not just the children of this world but also My children. It ought not to be this way,” says the Lord. “The level I have prepared for you, and the standards of abundance I have reserved for you can only be attained by My Spirit. So engage My Spirit, engage Him,” says God, ” and He will guide you into My Heart for you. Engage Him and He will shine the light on the things you should see, and He would switch off the light from the things you should not see. Engage my Spirit, and the things you should see that must have been hidden from your eyes will be clear to you. And the things you have looked at that you ought not to see will be taken into darkness. Engage Him and you will run through troops, and you will leap over walls. Engage Him, and you will match through the enemy’s camp and jump over obstacles. Engage Him and obstacles will become stepping stones for you” says God. “Engage Him, and as you walk through the troops, the troops will stand at attention and watch you, and say, ought we not to attack this one? No! Because you have engaged My Spirit! They will stand and look at you like dead men as you walk through troops and through the enemy’s camp. Oh and as you walk, you won’t walk through the enemy’s camp empty handed. As you walk through you will gather up the spoil. As you walk through you will pick up the loot. As you walk through you will gather up the abundance. And as you are doing it, the enemy will stand like the walls of the red sea watching you, because you have engaged My Spirit. For My Spirit is your advantage. For by My Spirit, you will speak deep things that will create great things for you. For by My Spirit, My power at work in you will be released. For by My Spirit, mountains will become plains, and level grounds for you to step on; no for you to run all over,” says the Spirit of God. “For by My Spirit, you will know when to speak and when to be silent. By My Spirit, you will know when to advance and when to retreat. By My Spirit, you will know what to do, you will know what I will have you do and when I will have you do it. For by My Spirit, you will recognize your seed and know where to sow it. By My Spirit, you will identify your bread and eat it in abundance,” says the Spirit of God.

“All of these will occur by no other way but by My Spirit. So engage My Spirit. Don’t sit on your advantage, engage My Spirit, encounter My Spirit. For My Spirit will guide you into greatness, My Spirit will show you My heart for you. My Spirit will open your eyes to see the things I have prepared for you even before you knew Me. My Spirit will show you the depth of love, and the depth of the dreams I have for you. My Spirit will help you believe the things I say to you, that your mind cannot understand. My Spirit will raise you up to a place of understanding that is no longer natural, but is now supernatural. Only by My Spirit can this be done! For there are many who operate by power and by might, but that is not the lot of My children,” says the Spirit of God. “It is by My Spirit! For when your mind is raised to the level I need to take you to, then your body, then your experiences will come to that level. But your mind cannot get there except you engage and you encounter My Spirit. For this is a generation that will operate and take actions, on a dimension that is unusual and uncommon. This is therefore a generation that will experience greatness on a dimension that is unusual and uncommon. “Believe it,” says the Spirit of God! “Speak it,” says the Spirit of God! “Act on it,” says the Spirit of God! Run with it and enter into the level of greatness I have prepared for you, before the foundation of the world.” Says the Spirit of God to His Church and to His children.

“Indeed you will be a city set on the hill. You will be a light that others will be attracted to; cause there will be something unusual about you, something beyond the natural about you, something supernatural about you. Then indeed the scripture will be fulfilled that there is no restraint to the Lord, to save by many or by few. Cause it’s not how many you are,” says God’s Spirit, “it is how many of you have engaged My Spirit. It is not how many you are,” says God, “it is how many of you will engage My Spirit and encounter your advantage.”

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