28 Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15:28
Healing is the children’s bread! It is natural for parents to give their children bread especially when the parents have the bread. Your sonship as a born again child of God is your access or right to the benefit of healing, you do not have to struggle to have faith for it. Healing is yours and it is yours in abundance. Regrettably, many sons of God approach the abundant healing that is theirs like this, “Lord, can I take a little?” In His wisdom, God wonders what they are talking about. Healing is your inheritance. Don’t go to God anymore and say, “There are three diseases Iím suffering from: I can cope with two of them; I just want You to heal me of this one that won’t let me do what I want to do. That’s the one I’m bothered about.” Healing is your inheritance and it’s given to you in a superfluous measure. Don’t accept less.
The word “desire” as used by Jesus (Matthew 15:28) means wish. Desire is a great access to your benefit of healing. Desire is that strong passion that you have towards something that makes you give up everything else in order to get it. It is important that you desire your healing strong enough, to get it. The level of this woman’s desire was such that even when she was referred to as a dog she didn’t mind, as long as she got what she wanted. Friend, even if it means going through “humiliation,” as defined by men, go for the healing you desire. Go for all of it. Again I say, don’t accept any less.
In going for your desire, you may meet all kinds of things, but go anyhow, go anyway, go all the way, and you will be the one who will enjoy divine healing and live in divine health. People may laugh at you and ask, “What are you saying? You’re sick, yet you keep on saying ‘by His stripes I am healed.’” Just keep at it! If you desire it long enough, you will get the desire of your heart.
Healing is mine and I desire it. I will not settle for anything less.