35 “On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.’
36 So which of these three do you think was neighbour to him who fell among the thieves?”
Luke 10:35-36
Compassion will motivate you to make provision for somebody else’s future. There are couples in the church where I pastor, who pay school fees for people whom they are not biologically related to; that’s an expression of agape love. There must have been one of their extended relations somewhere in their villages, who also needed the money they gave to pay for the school fees. It is agape love that will make you walk up to help a young lady you don’t know, simply because the Holy Spirit ministered to you to do so. Then you would probably find out that being an orphan, she used to mess around with her life to get money, and having become born again, shortly before you walked into her life, she had made a decision to stay pure. She would have told God she would not sleep with any man anymore, to pay her school fees, even if she had to drop out of school. Then God’s love came through you and her life got turned around.
The Samaritan’s compassion made him do all he did without seeking for something in return. He just took care of the bills and left. We are safe to assume that by the time he came back that way, the man that fell among robbers would have gone and he may never know who helped him till they probably meet in heaven. When you show love, do it without selfish motives. Love must be not in word and tongue only, but in deed and truth (1 John 3:19).
Maybe you would rather have just your nuclear family with you in your home, but you and your spouse decide to take someone in with the purpose of bringing about restoration in his or her life and thus change that person’s picture of what family life should be. It is a sacrifice; it is not convenient. When you were courting your spouse you may never have dreamt that you would have as many people as you are taking care of in your house, but now you do it as an extension of agape love. Maybe as a child in your home, your parents did this and now you have adopted siblings in your home too. Their presence in your home may be the restoration of family life they need. That’s compassion and you can flow with it and be blessed for being a blessing.
Compassion motivates me to make sacrifices. My sacrifices bring about permanent changes in the lives of many.