

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that I am blessed. On the cross,Jesus became poor for me, so that I through His povertymight be made rich. The curse of poverty is far from me.I am totally free from lack in my spirit, my soul, and my body. By faith, I declare that I have a rich unending supply.Both wealth and riches are in my house. I acknowledge my Father, God as the source of my wealth.He is God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth;He is the Owner, and I am the steward. All things in heaven and earth are His.Riches and honour come from Him. All things come from Him,and all I give to Him came from Him in the first place.I am a faithful steward, therefore I worship Him,the Owner, with the tithes of all my increase. I honour the Lord with my substance and with the first and bestof all my increase and so my barns are filled with plenty,and presses burst out with the new wine. My storeand accounts have goods in quality and quantity because I make sacrifices and put God first. I will have what I say! My Father is making all grace abound towards me so thatI have sufficiency in all things and so that I have abundanceto give generously to the work of God and to give untoothers. I understand that the primary purpose of my wealthis the furtherance of the kingdom of God on the earth. I obey the Lord and Him alone. I serve Him and Him alone.As I obey and serve Him, I spend my days inprosperity and my years in pleasure. As I keep onseeking first His kingdom and His righteousness,all the things I need are being added unto me. I will have what I say! As God increases me materially, I do not become high-minded.I remain humble before God. I do not trust in theuncertainty of riches but in the living God, who givesme richly all things to enjoy. I do good, I am rich ingood works, I am ready to give, I remain willing toshare what God has given to me. The Lord has opened unto me His good treasure,His vault, His storehouse – fully openedup to me! Therefore I open my heart wide open andbelieve all He says to me; I open my mind wide openand receive beyond my imaginations. I open my eyes wide openand see what wealth He has laid before me. I openmy mouth wide open and as I call it forth, He will fill it.I open my hands wide open and plunder for Hehas brought abundance to me. Jehovah is my bank balance and I am a distributioncentre for the kingdom of God in Jesus’ Name.Amen.

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In Him

Today, I declare that I am in Him. All the promises of God to me are in Him,and they are yes and amen. I say, yes, and amen to them! I am in Christ and so I am a new creation in Christ.Old things have passed away and all things have becomebrand new. All these new things originate from God,my Father. I am born from above. My roots have changed.I belong to the family of God. There is no condemnation to me because I am in Christ Jesus,for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has setme free from the law of sin and death. I am His workmanship. I have been recreated in ChristJesus unto good works, and walk in the paths Godprepared for me to walk in. I am in Christ, and He is made unto me wisdom,righteousness, redemption, and sanctification. Christ is my wisdom; He is my wisdom. In Him, I have wisdom for in Him,all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden. Christ is my righteousness; He is my righteousness. I am the righteousnessof God in Christ Jesus. God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on my behalf,that I might become the righteousness of God in Christ.I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Christ is my redemption; He is my redemption. In Him, I have redemptionthrough His blood, the remission of sins.As far as the east is from the west, He has removed my transgressionsfrom me. I am redeemed from death, sickness, and poverty. Christ is my sanctification; He is my sanctification. In Him, I havebeen washed, sanctified, and justified. He chose me in Him before the foundation of the worldto be holy and blameless before Him. I am holy like myFather is holy. Today, in Christ Jesus, I stand before Him inlove as a son and not a slave. I have been accepted in Christ Jesus, the Beloved of the Father.There is no shame in me, there is no insecurity orinferiority in me because I stand in the presenceof my loving Father. Of His own will, He gave birth to me. The old me has been crucified with Christ. Now, I live,yet not I who live, but Christ who lives in me. For by the Spirit,I have been joined unto my Lord and I am one with Him.The life I live on this earth, and in this body, I live bythe faith of the Son of God, my Lord who loved me and gave Himself for me. I am in Him; He is in me. Because He lives, I live.He is alive, and He is alive and well in me! Hallelujah!

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Beyond, beyond! Far beyond! Reaching way out beyond!Beyond my imaginations! Beyond my connections!Beyond my abilities! My Father has provided for us! Far out beyond, beyond my thinking, beyond my planning,beyond my discussions, Elshaddai has made a way for me. In the realm of the unseen, in the realm of the unusual,in the realm of Your wisdom, You Lord, have madeplans for me – secret plans now revealed to me by Your own Spirit.So, as I pray, sow, plan, imagine, think, and discuss. my Father,You meet me beyond! Even far beyond! Reaching way out beyondis Your provision for me. Beyond but brought near to me.Beyond, but right here for me. Beyond, but now is the time for me.Not tomorrow, but now, now. From beyond to right now, right before me”. I see it, I know it, I take it Your provision, it is breaking limits,Your abundance it is removing boundaries.Your favour, it is shifting statistics. I Look up, I open my eyes and I see. I stretch my mind and believe.Men are here; unusual vessels are her; kings are here;nations are here for me, sent by You Lord from far beyond!From way out beyond my imagination, my connections, my abilities,from far beyond! Way out beyond my thinking, my planning, my discussions!I may not see them coming, I will not call for them to come but they are here,they are here. Like a rushing wave, they are here; one afterthe other, sent by You! Unusual vessels, they arecaptivated by Your Spirit, intoxicated by Your instructions!They will not stop until it’s all done. I prophesy so by the Spirit of God, I will have what I say continually.So, I stretch out and take, I spoil, and again I say, spoil.I plunder! And again, I say plunder, I reach out and take possession.I spoil, and again I say, spoil. I plunder, and again I say plunder.It’s laid up for me: wealth, resources, gifts, sacrifices. Men are here! The righteous, they are here. The wicked,they are here. Men, they are here. Kings are here.Nations are here. Men are here, captivated by Your Spirit;intoxicated by Your instructions; laden with their wealth,they are here for us. So, I raise my expectations. I look up and I see.I stretch my mind. I listen to Your Spirit. Your provision forus, Your plans for us according to Your promises to us in TCC,they go beyond, far out beyond!

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We speak to our 6,000 seater auditorium and we call it“finished in glory and splendour” in the Name of Jesus. It is not by might, nor by power but by the Spirit of the Lordand the Spoken Word. Every phase left of this buildingthat looks like a mountain has become a plain and we bringit to completion with shouts of grace, grace to it! We have the wisdom of God and we know what to do.Our hands, strengthened by the Lord’s hands,have laid the foundation and our hands,strengthened by His hands, will finish it! Hallelujah! The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong,nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding,nor favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. This is the set time for supernatural favour for this auditoriumproject. For the heart of every decision-maker is in the handof the Lord. Like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wishes– just to favour us. We receive waves upon waves of unusualfavour right now in Jesus’ Name. We will have what we say! This is the set time for an unprecedented flow of wealth andriches for this auditorium project. I release myprecious sacrifices for this auditorium project and as I give,it is given unto me, good measure, pressed down,shaken together and running over – and I yet give again, Hallelujah! Water flows from rocks; wealth flows from nations;the heavens are open wide and by the knowledge of God,the depths are broken up and the clouds drop down the dew.The silver and gold belong to our Father and are our inheritance.We receive abundant resources right now in Jesus’ Name. We will have what we say! This is the set time for acceleration. We declare speed to the auditoriumproject, speed that is faster than the speed of light, fasterthan the swift chariots of the king, faster than the legsof Ahimaaz, You give us speed – supernatural and unusual speed;power generated from deep within; fire that cannot be quenched;rivers that will never run dry; faith that moves hills andfills valleys. You give us speed and we move with it in Jesus’ Name. We will have what we say! We call our 6,000 seater auditorium finished and we see ourselvesinside it worshipping and praising the Lord God Almighty to His glory and for our benefit. God is big in me; God is big in you and God is big in us in TCC! Hallelujah!!

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Healing And Health

Jesus was wounded for my transgressions. He was bruised for my iniquities.The chastisement and the punishment of my peace were laidupon Him, and with His stripes, I am healed. I have peace;I have shalom, there is nothing missing and nothing broken in my body. Jesus, Himself took my infirmities and bore my diseases. By His stripes,I was healed. If I was healed two then thousand years ago,I am healed right here and now. My healing is a done deal. Jesus is my healer. He is my doctor. He is my physician. He is the fixer,mender, and restorer of my body.I declare that everything that needs to be fixed, mended,and restored in my body has been done. Himself bore my sins in His body on the cross so that,I, having died to sins might live unto righteousness,and by His stripes, I was healed. Therefore, I boldly declarethat I am not the sick trying to be healed; I amthe healed resisting the lying symptoms of sickness and disease.In Christ Jesus, I have received a clean bill of health, and on the basisof His finished work, I boldly declare that I am healed. I declare that all lying symptoms have given way;they are removed from the root; they have disappeared, anddissipated. No matter how long they have been, they havefaded away. No matter how stubborn they have provedto be, they are not stronger than the Word of God,and so they are dissolved. Every part of my body, every cell, every organ,every system is performing perfectly and optimally.God’s Word is life to me; it is medicine to everypart of my body, and producing healing and health. I know what is happening in my body – The Spirit of Himwho raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me andis alive in me. He who raised Christ from the dead isgiving life – Zoe life, resurrection life to my mortal body throughHis Spirit Who dwells in me. The production of life is anongoing, ever-present activity in my body. As it was said concerning Israel of old that there was no one feebleamong their tribes, so we declare that we are all healed in thisgreat assembly, TCC. There is no sickness here, there is no diseasehere for we are the healed body of Christ. There is certainly no barrenness here and babies are scattering in TCC.!!!Baby boys are here! Baby girls are here!Twins are here! Even triplets are here!!Hallelujah! We have what we say. We say we are healed.We say we are fruitful.We have healing, health, fruitfulness, and life!Amen.

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Long Life

I declare that long life is mine as a child of God. I have made the right choices. I choose life and length of days.Each day, I remember that I have made an appointment with life more abundantly. I choose wisdom, and I possess the length of days she holds in her hands I choose the fear of the Lord and my days are prolonged;my years shall not be shortened.I serve the Lord my God, and He blesses my food and water.He keeps me healthy, and He is committed to giving me a long, full life. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I abide under the shadow of theAlmighty. I say of You Lord, You are my refuge and my fortress;You are my God in whom I trust. With long life, You satisfy me, andYou show me Your salvation. I keep the Word of God which He has given me, and it goes well with me.My days are prolonged on the earth which the Lord has given me.I hear and receive God’s words, and the years of my life aremany as I walk in the paths of wisdom in whichI have been taught, and the right paths He leads me in. I am righteous, so I flourish like a palm tree; I grow like a cedar in Lebanon. I am planted in the house of the Lord and I flourish in the courts of my God.Even in my old age, I will continue to bear fruit, I will be fresh and will flourish.My youth is renewed like the eagle. Even to my old age, He is the One who will carry me.He will bear me and deliver me. Like a sheaf gathered up in its season, I will come to the gravein a ripe old age. The grave will not come to me.My confidence is in God who raises the dead, who delivered mefrom so great a death, and does deliver me;in whom I trust that He will still deliver me. Hallelujah!! I am kept by the Holy Ghost and I bask in my Covenant of long life.

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Today, I give thanks unto You, Lordbecause You are good, and Your mercies endure forever. I am the redeemed of theLord and I declare that I am redeemed from the hand of the enemy. I give thanks to You, Lord for Your goodness and for Your wonderfulworks to me. Thank You, Father, for daily loading mewith the benefits of salvation all through this year. Today and always, I bless You and all that is within me give thanks toYour holy name. Today, I remember allYour benefits towards me.You are the forgiver of all my sins. You are the healer of all my diseases.You redeem my life from destruction.You crown me with lovingkindness and tender mercies.You satisfy my mouth with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle’s. Today and always, I thank You for the grace You have given me inChrist Jesus. I have been enriched by Him in all things. Blessed be You myGod and Father of my Lord, Christ Jesus who has blessed me with allspiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. With joy, I give thanks to You for making me apartaker of the inheritance of the saints in the light.You have delivered fromthe power of darkness andhave translated me into the kingdom of the Son ofYour love. In Christ Jesus,I have my redemption, the forgiveness of my sins. Today and always, I thank You for crowning this year withgoodness, and all Your paths dripping with the abundance.You have provided for me. Thank You for all You have done,all You are doing and all You will yet do before this year is over. Today and always, I bless the Lord and His praise will continue to be in my mouth.My soul makes its boast in You, and all whohear will be glad and rejoice with me.Your high praises are in my mouth and a two-edged sword in my mouth. Today, in the midst of the congregation, I givethanks and praise unto Your name. I freely and gladly offer the sacrifice ofpraise and thanksgiving. I say, see what the Lord has done.

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I declare that my Father has accepted me in ChristJesus, the Beloved. Because I am in Christ, I am highly favoured. Like Jesus,I am His beloved son, and He is well pleased with me. I have received the graceof God and so, I am favoured. In Christ, I am God’s elect: His specialfavoured child. The Father loves me as much as He loves Christ Jesus, my bigBrother. The Father’s favour constantly surrounds me as ashield from sunrise to sunset. The force of His favour attracts all thatpertain to life and godliness to me. It repels whatever is not part of theblessing far away from me. His favour has separated me from the curse. My favour with God translates into favour with men.I have favour with men that matter. The hearts of kings and men of influencewhom God has ordained to play a part of my purpose are in His hands, and Heturns their hearts just to favour me. God gives those with whom I have to deal,respect and attention for me. They are captivated by His Spirit and intoxicatedby His instructions. I am pleasing to God; my ways are pleasing to Him.Therefore, He makes even my enemies be at peace with me. There’s no limit to whommy Father can use. So, even those who may not like me are used as instrumentsand channels of God’s goodness in my life. I am a son of God and I am led by the Spirit ofGod. My steps are ordered of the Lord and He takes delight in my ways.Therefore, I am always in the right place and at the right time. I am alwayswhere limitless possibilities take place, and I recognize them. I am alwaysfound where opportunity and preparation collide. Through the favour of God, doors openbefore me. His favour causes me to succeed where others have failed. God isunapologetically biased in my favour. Therefore, I depend upon the grace and favour of God in all Ido. I choose not to lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge that the raceis not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, norriches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; but time and chancehappen to them all. I am always where time and chance happen to me. I rest inHis favour upon me. I declare that I enjoy abundant, strategic favourwith God and find good understanding in my dealings with men. With each passingday, I experience increasing measures of favour with God and with men. Thank You Father for the waves of Your favourare crashing all over me and they are carrying me to Your destination for me. Hallelujah!

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I declare that my Father has accepted me in Christ Jesus, the Beloved. Because I am in Christ, I am highly favoured. Like Jesus, I am His beloved son, and He is well pleased with me. I have received the grace of God and so, I am favoured. In Christ, I am God’s elect: His special favoured child. The Father loves me as much as He loves Christ Jesus, my big Brother. The Father’s favour constantly surrounds me as a shield from sunrise to sunset. The force of His favour attracts all that pertain to life and godliness to me. It repels whatever is not part of the blessing far away from me. His favour has separated me from the curse. My favour with God translates into favour with men. I have favour with men that matter. The hearts of kings and men of influence whom God has ordained to play a part of my purpose are in His hands, and He turns their hearts just to favour me. God gives those with whom I have to deal, respect and attention for me. They are captivated by His Spirit and intoxicated by His instructions. I am pleasing to God; my ways are pleasing to Him. Therefore, He makes even my enemies be at peace with me. There’s no limit to whom my Father can use. So, even those who may not like me are used as instruments and channels of God’s goodness in my life. I am a son of God and I am led by the Spirit of God. My steps are ordered of the Lord and He takes delight in my ways. Therefore, I am always in the right place and at the right time. I am always where limitless possibilities take place, and I recognize them. I am always found where opportunity and preparation collide. Through the favour of God, doors open before me. His favour causes me to succeed where others have failed. God is unapologetically biased in my favour. Therefore, I depend upon the grace and favour of God in all I do. I choose not to lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favour to men of skill; but time and chance happen to them all. I am always where time and chance happen to me. I rest in His favour upon me. I declare that I enjoy abundant, strategic favour with God and find good understanding in my dealings with men. With each passing day, I experience increasing measures of favour with God and with men. Thank You Father for the waves of Your favour are crashing all over me and they are carrying me to Your destination for me. Hallelujah!

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