I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that I am blessed. On the cross,Jesus became poor for me, so that I through His povertymight be made rich. The curse of poverty is far from me.I am totally free from lack in my spirit, my soul, and my body. By faith, I declare that I have a rich unending supply.Both wealth and riches are in my house. I acknowledge my Father, God as the source of my wealth.He is God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth;He is the Owner, and I am the steward. All things in heaven and earth are His.Riches and honour come from Him. All things come from Him,and all I give to Him came from Him in the first place.I am a faithful steward, therefore I worship Him,the Owner, with the tithes of all my increase. I honour the Lord with my substance and with the first and bestof all my increase and so my barns are filled with plenty,and presses burst out with the new wine. My storeand accounts have goods in quality and quantity because I make sacrifices and put God first. I will have what I say! My Father is making all grace abound towards me so thatI have sufficiency in all things and so that I have abundanceto give generously to the work of God and to give untoothers. I understand that the primary purpose of my wealthis the furtherance of the kingdom of God on the earth. I obey the Lord and Him alone. I serve Him and Him alone.As I obey and serve Him, I spend my days inprosperity and my years in pleasure. As I keep onseeking first His kingdom and His righteousness,all the things I need are being added unto me. I will have what I say! As God increases me materially, I do not become high-minded.I remain humble before God. I do not trust in theuncertainty of riches but in the living God, who givesme richly all things to enjoy. I do good, I am rich ingood works, I am ready to give, I remain willing toshare what God has given to me. The Lord has opened unto me His good treasure,His vault, His storehouse – fully openedup to me! Therefore I open my heart wide open andbelieve all He says to me; I open my mind wide openand receive beyond my imaginations. I open my eyes wide openand see what wealth He has laid before me. I openmy mouth wide open and as I call it forth, He will fill it.I open my hands wide open and plunder for Hehas brought abundance to me. Jehovah is my bank balance and I am a distributioncentre for the kingdom of God in Jesus’ Name.Amen.