Halleluyah Week

Hallelujah Week 2019 – Day One Praise Points

We give thanks and we praise God that: ▪ As individuals and as a local assembly, we have made a decision to DIVE DEEPER and GO UP HIGHER in our relationship with God the Father. ▪ As we do this, we will develop sensitivity to the voice of Jesus, thereby DISCOVERING HIM – and as we discover Him, we will DISCOVER WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST (OUR TRUE IDENTITY) and we will walk in our RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES AS SONS OF GOD. Ephesians 1:18 ▪ The “PRODIGAL SONS” among us who have rededicated their walk with God, come back home and are LIVING PROOFS OF GOD’S MERCY. Luke 15:32 ▪ Those of us who have KISSED DESTINY and have recognized WHY WE ARE IN CHRIST (OUR DIVINE PURPOSE) and we live in the consciousness that God has brought us here for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. Jeremiah 29:11 ▪ We will focus on WHAT MATTERS MOST (OUR LOVE WALK) with God, with His Word, and with each other. 1 John 5:1-2

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Hallelujah Week 2018 – Day Three Praise Points

Today we release our praise trigger and praise God for strong relationships that are being produced by the Word in TCC: We Praise Him for: RIGHT ASSOCIATIONS and EDIFYING, REAL FRIENDSHIPS between brethren both in Adult Church and Teen Church. Brethren in TCC who had the courage to walk away and were delivered from UNGODLY relationships and DESTRUCTIVE friendships and are now rightly positioned for GOD’S BEST. Suitors who found GOD FEARING WIVES and Sistaz who were found by GOD FEARING HUSBANDS. The upcoming picnic between the Suitors and Sistaz which will further strengthen the restored friendships between the singles and trigger miraculous marriages. Marriages which experienced RESTORATION AND now ENJOY HEAVEN UPON THE EARTH on all sides. Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 18:22 Brethren in TCC whose spouses became BORN AGAIN or REDEDICATED THEIR LIVES to GOD. 2 Peter 3:9

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Hallelujah Week 2018 – Day One Praise Points

We give thanks and we praise God for: We are developing the SENSITIVITY needed to always hear the voice of Jesus above all noise and distraction. John 10:27 The EYES OF OUR UNDERSTANDING are being enlightened every day and we know WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST (OUR TRUE IDENTITY) and we will walk in our RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES AS SONS OF GOD. Ephesians 1:18 The “PRODIGAL SONS” among us who have rededicated their walk with God, come back home and are LIVING PROOFS OF GOD’S MERCY. Luke 15:32 Those of us who have KISSED DESTINY and have recognized WHY WE ARE IN CHRIST (OUR DIVINE PURPOSE) and we live in the consciousness that God has brought us here for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. Jeremiah 29:11 That we will focus on WHAT MATTERS MOST (OUR LOVE WALK) with God, with His Word, and with each other. 1 John 5:1-2

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