14 “But remember me when it is well with you,
and please show kindness to me; make mention of me
to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house.

15 For indeed I was stolen away from the land of
the Hebrews; and also I have done nothing here that
they should put me into the dungeon.”

Genesis 40:14-15

A man who is in the dungeon has a stench.
A man who has been outside smells fresh.
He has brought me out of the stench. You
cannot smell the stench on my body anymore
because I am out of the dungeon. What
brought me up out of the dungeon was the
King’s call. The King’s call will bring you out of the dungeon.
You may have been in a dungeon of poverty, of sickness and disease, of fear,
of a drug addiction, of sexual perversion, of an inferiority complex –
you can be free. Walking with the Lord and His Word will reveal to you what
He has called you to do.

If you are in what God has called you to do,
just keep at it. That is what is going to you
out of the dungeon. In the dungeon,
nobody sees you apart from those who are there with you.
In a dungeon it is difficult to see because it is dark.
Most times in there, you are confined, your legs are tied up,
you cannot move, you cannot break loose – no matter how
hard you try. When the King calls you and you respond to the King’s
call, you get out of the dungeon and its limitations. His call brings light
and power to be free. You do not belong in the dark. You can walk straight
into your destiny.


Lord, I lift my voice and I lift my hands to praise You.
I declare by faith that I have stepped out of the dungeon and out of
the dunghill and I am seated in heavenly places – in my place of
destiny. Hallelujah!

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