Sistaz and Suitors is dedicated to questions on relationships, courtship and dating. We will be happy to answer all your questions or hear your comments.
Please submit a question or comment below. Thank you!
Please submit a question or comment below. Thank you!
I am a lady of 25 years old in a relationship for 5 years, he is doing his NYSC and also working, i know he loves me and wanted to do Introduction yesterday to my parents officially which i objected waiting for him to finish his service year, i am still confused about my relationship with him, his mother confirms that i am his son’s wife but my sister called me last month telling me that a prophetess in her ministry told her that anyone coming to marry me this year is not the real man, i need advice on how to understand if it is true because, i love him so much, he has been the only man seriously honest to me in all these years of friendship now wanting to marry me officially, thanks a lot.
I’m having relationship issues, I came up from a broken home and grew up with my step mum that told me I was of no value. Now every relationship I’ve been in makes me feel same way; so must times I breakup wrongly. How do I get out of this feeling of not being wanted so I can be a wife and a mother too.
Hi there,
Just want to say I love how you guys made your website interactive…Although I am not a member or should I say I am not a “Carpenterians” (that just entered my mind lolxxx), but I have been a super fan of Maama since a little child (was about 12 or even less but I’m now 31)…
In the past, while growing up, I watch her on “Fresh Dew” every Saturday morning on RSTV and it was indeed a fresh dew and we always admire her beauty, (her lips), her eyes, her voice and intonation, I mean every thing up to her fashion for that day lolxxx…
Seeing her now is such an inspiration…
Carry on the FIRE! I pray every sister (single and married) will catch the greater FIRE and double portion of that anointing and glory. Of course the brothers are not left out (me inclusive).
Mumsi, Keep being the “Carpenterian” to many of us…God bless and prosper and YOU SHALL REAP THE REWARD OF YOUR LABOUR HERE ON EARTH AND IN HEAVEN AT LAST…
Your Son in His service,
Please we want to get this contents on PlayTv and Free Tv in Nigeria
Hello good evening thank you very much for your work and encouraging young people to live right and be in Godly relationships I really need the TCC handbook.couldnt download it with the link on d weekly gazette.i will appreciate it if you do send it to me on thanks alot.
Are TCC members allowed to marry Catholics?
I am into a relationship and I want to get married, please I want to know some rules guiding it, and what to do.
Ifeanyi, thank you very much for your question. We must say that your question is a very broad one, but we will give you the basics here.
First of all, the best way to know about something is through the manufacturer or creator of that thing. God instituted marriage, so if you want to get married, we want to first of all recommend that if you have not confessed Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, you should do that right away because that is the starting point. All you need to do is to say the following simple prayer out loud meaning every word from your heart:
Congratulations! You have just taken the best decision in your life! Join a Bible believing and Bible teaching local church and grow your relationship with God.
Now we can proceed with other guidelines. You need to read the Bible regularly to receive practical tips and guidelines from God's Word on how to conduct yourself as a single person and in a marriage relationship.
Other guidelines are as follows:
We hope these guidelines above will help you on this life journey, but for a more comprehensive approach to this question and many more, please visit our website and read other articles that may be related to your area of need, or check our media store to order messages and talks taught during our Sistaz and suitors meetings.
Please I need help. I am 27 years old, not married, no boyfriend. Guys will find me attractive, but before you know it, they are on the run, nothing seems to be working out for me. I am a registered nurse, but not working; my elder sister is 30 years old and she is still not married. She had several disappointments in her relationship and also in her job. My siblings and I are brilliant academically, but to get a job seems impossible. Men of God told us that my dad’s mother is behind it, we have prayed and fasted, but it seems God is not listening to us. I don’t know if God has forsaken me and my family. Please help before I get frustrated to the extreme.
Thank you Joan for asking for help. This is evidence that you want the best that God has to offer. The issues you have raised are very touching, but we must settle one thing first; God is not to blame in any way and He has not turned His back on you. In fact the reverse is the case, God is beckoning on you to adapt to His way of doing things and enjoy the benefits He has already made available for you. How do we know this? God's Word about His plan for us is very clear:
3 John 2
From your comments, the above scripture doesn't seem to be your experience. Therefore, we will start from the first step to enjoying the best of life and all round prosperity (spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally), which is being born again.
Making Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour is the best decision you will ever make and Jesus has made it very easy for you to be saved. The Bible says:
Romans 10:9–10, 13
If you have not confessed Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, you should do that right away because that is the starting point. All you need to do is to say the following simple prayer out loud meaning every word from your heart:
Congratulations! You have just taken the best decision in your life! Join a Bible believing and Bible teaching local church and grow your relationship with God.
Now that you are born again, you don't need a boyfriend, you have Jesus as your friend and at the right time, your ideal husband will come. Now that you are born again, whatever obstacle or hindrances to your progress that have existed before now have been broken just as a result of that simple prayer you prayed. We encourage you to read your Bible regularly and discover God's purpose for your life. As you continue to study and meditate on God's Word, you will discover who you are in Christ and what Jesus already did for you through His death on the cross. You will also drop some attitudes, mannerisms and negative lifestyle that contradict God's principles and soon enough your husband will show up.
It's important for you to understand that you really don't need so many men coming around you, you simply want the right man to come. Secondly, it is important you know that God's approval is all you need. Man's approval is fleeting and unstable.
We will recommend that you share this mail with your sister and encourage her to take a step of faith and get connected to God's Family as a born again Christian, you will be amazed at how quickly your lives will take a new turn.
As you begin to walk with God, He will reveal to you areas of your life where change is needed and He Himself will bring about the change. You can rest assured of this as study and meditate on God's Word, thus renewing your mind.
Prayerfully trust God to guide you to a church where the Word of God is taught in its simplicity. Sit under the ministry of God's Word and as you act on what you are taught, your lives will reflect God's faithfulness.
We also recommend that you visit our website at and read other articles that may be related to your area of need, or go to our media store and order CDs, DVDs or MP3 messages that will further teach you along these lines.