I have known and watched Pastor Nkechi Ene on Freshdew broadcast for a very long time, even as a young boy. My whole family so loved Freshdew, which showed on Rivers State Television (RSTV) every Saturday morning, that we nicknamed Pastor Nkechi “Our TV Pastor.” The clarity and real-life application of God’s Word by Pastor Nkechi as we watched her on Television was actually what baffled my parents who are ministers, and this later stirred up my own love for God and His Word. I finally came to The Carpenter’s Church early 2016 in search of a real and deep sincere relationship with God. I eagerly attended the Believer’s Classes, conscientiously attending every Bible Study and Prayer Meeting services, and conscientiously reading every book of the month. To the Glory of God, my Bible study life has improved. I learnt how to pray for myself and by myself, in the Tuesday Prayer Meetings, I attend in The Carpenter’s Church. To the Glory of God, one year after, my spiritual life became very stable. I now know my real identity in Christ and I am enjoying my relationship with God. Glory be to the Name of the Lord.
Some years ago, I was diagnosed with and treated for Poly Rheumatoid Arthritis (PRA), which left a never- ending excruciating pain on all the joints on my hands and legs (mostly my wrist, elbow and kneecap). Nobody knows, like the sufferer, what pain does to the individual. I could not sit for a long time and squatting was impossible. Even using the toilet seat were times I never wanted to come because of the pain I experience whenever I squat.
However, to the Glory of God, I attended the Resurrection Service with Pastor Nkechi Ene on Sunday, 16th April 2017. “Satan has no power. Any power he exhibits in your life is the one you gave him access to by believing his lies,” those were the exact words spoken by Pastor that day that changed my life and brought about my healing. I meditated deeply and held on tenaciously to those words and before the week ended, all the pains were gone. I am now free and completely healed. Glory be to God. Jesus never misses a service in TCC!
This healing and also the miraculous deliverance from the debt we received through the message series Breaking The Back Bone Of Debt changed a lot of things in my family. My dad, who was not comfortable with my membership in The Carpenter’s Church and insisted I remain in the family church, called me one morning and encouraged me to please serve God faithfully and seriously in The Carpenter’s Church. God be praised!