A Clean Bill of Health

On the 8th of June, my daughter came back from school with her body feeling warm. I almost gave her paracetamol, but my husband said I should not because she was fine. I just laid my hands on her and declared God’s Word over her, thanking Him for sound health on her behalf. The next day, her body still felt warm, so I agreed in prayers with my husband and then gave her paracetamol syrup. I decided to take her along to my office so I could monitor her, and I kept her close to my workstation.

At about 3 p.m., I noticed that she had dozed off. The parent of a student came into my office, observed and mentioned that my daughter was not feeling good. That drew my attention to the child and I called her name, but she did not respond and her eyes were open. I was bothered, so I carried her up from the chair and immediately she began to convulse. All I could say repeatedly was, “Jesus! Tobi by the stripes of Jesus Christ you are made whole.” After first-aid was administered to her at the office clinic, I took her to the hospital for check-up. She received treatment, and was discharged with a clean bill of health. To God be all the glory forever. Amen.

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